Manifesting Health With Your Powers of Positive Intentions
In the realm of holistic healing, the concept of manifesting health extends beyond the physical; when we address health and healing we see an interplay between mind, body, and spirit. At the core of this, in a practical sense, lies Law of Attraction (LOA) principles. It also involves other body- mind techniques that harness universal principles that the power of positive intentions. These can (and in my understanding do) shape our reality and our experience of life. And this is how we contribute to manifesting health.
Easy Principles For You To Follow
In this article, I’m going to share with you a solid outline that you can follow and begin to take advantage of what I like to call a Health Mindset. As a Naturopath & Homeopath, I have seen wonderful results using Natural medicines over the years. When Mind-Body and LOA principles are used as well, I have seen even better more profound results!
The Key To Manifesting Health
Central to the philosophy of LOA and the Healthy Mindset, is the belief that like attracts like. Things that which we focus our thoughts and energy on, we attract into our lives or they become more dominant. When it comes to health, this principle encourages you to develop an expectancy towards health and healing. By harnessing the power of our thoughts, emotions and intentions, we become active participants in the co-creation of our own health experience. This can mean improved health, better healing or perhaps a stronger sense of wellbeing, peace and balance.

Dreams Or Desires?
Now I want to be really clear here. I like to make the distinction between focusing on what we can call a ‘dream’ compared to focusing on a ‘desire’. For example, we can dream that in our lifetime, we will be able to travel to and live on Venus. Or we can have the desire that we are going to travel the world and experience new and wonderful places. See the difference? One is pretty unrealistic as far as we can tell while the other does seem within the realms of possibility. It’s important to apply this principle to ourselves when it come to issues of health.
The steps that can help manifest good health begin with the cultivation of a positive mental attitude. By consciously choosing to focus on thoughts of health, vitality or resilience, you plant the seeds of healing, consciously and subconsciously. Instead of allowing fear, doubt, symptoms, or illness to be dominant, you can choose to focus, as much as you can, on your vitality, ability to heal, ability to enjoy life and be at peace. As much as you can, you can make this conscious switch to these ‘positive’ aspects. Of course there are times that this seems impossible, say if you are in a lot of pain, grieving the loss of a loved one, or overwhelmed with symptoms. But when you can, you shift your attention.

Goals For Manifesting Health
Setting clear health goals are like having a compass on your journey. They guide you towards the things you want and desire. This applies to a super-nourishing diet, a regular and enjoyable exercise routine, finding a treatment that is going to move you forward in a positive way. By anchoring our intentions into specific, achievable goals, we provide focus that helps to keep us to manifest good health.

Make It Real
Crucial to the process of manifesting better health, healing and wellbeing, is the practice of visualization. We all know this right? But like many things it is something to develop and evolve and basically, to become better at it. Engage your senses, emotions and intuition and make it a visceral experience. Physiologically, for example, with each mental image, we strengthen the neural pathways that align us with our desired state of well-being, paving the way for its manifestation in our reality.
Acknowledge The Positive
Strengthening gratitude can further focus our intentions. This is where we get a little ‘spiritual’. You can have this sense of appreciation for the blessings that you have in life. Sometime, yes you have to look hard to see them, other times there are so many right in front of us. By cultivating gratitude for the gift of health and wellbeing, I believe we are acknowledging a higher power if you like. Some thing or some being, or certain circumstances have provided these wonderful things in our life – the ability to think, see, walk, heal, have positive relationships with others. As a homoeopath & Naturopath I am always appreciate of the wonderful medicines and techniques available to all of us to help us on our humanly path!

To be a human being, we face of challenges and setbacks, all of us experience. This includes illness, disease, accidents, less than optimal wellbeing. There are many ways to respond to these but if you want to develop your Health Mindset and contribute to manifesting health, here’s what you could do.
Accept: As much as you can, accept the here and now and what your ‘status quo’ actually is. Now this can be a huge step sometimes, but I won’t go further into this here. That’s another article!
Opportunity: Many practitioners of LOA will see these events as opportunities to grow and evolve. They may lead you to taking actions that will enhance your health. Suffering an illness has the potential to deepen and strengthen your sense of well being. Not feeling as healthy as you want to, can lead you to seeking homoeopatic treatment, for example or other forms of treatment that you haven’t considered.
The path to manifesting health and finding more resilient levels of wellbeing, is not a solitary one. Many people across the globe have a high degree of ‘intentional wellbeing’ and are great manifesters of health. Most of the clients I see fit into this category at some level. Basically they know there is more to health and wellbeing than taking a supplement, or taking a pharmaceutical!
So start today, start now and begin manifesting health into your life. Actively nourish your sense of wellbeing and most importantly, be open to all the ways you can do this. Sometimes when you want your health to be better you have to do something differently, or to tweak and modify what you are already doing.