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Deadly Bird Flu On Our Door Step: How You Can Help Protect Yourself

Another outbreak of bird flu is on our door step and the ominous fear that it could spread to humans and become a pandemic, is a real threat to public health. The potential for the virus to mutate into a strain deadly to humans is being taken seriously with world health bodies. In the past, the World Health Organisation has warned it is only a matter of time until the next pandemic.

In today’s Blog I want to touch on some really important issues that you need to understand if you are going to help minimise the risk of Bird Flu and indeed other infections. With the onset of the cooler weather here in Australia, many people are becoming more vulnerable to infections and now is the time to act. So to help us understand the Bird Flu, I am going to be talking about influenzae as well and showing you how to help avoid it this year.

So how do we help prevent ourselves from becoming infected with such viruses? This is the question us naturopaths ask all the time and the answer takes us back to a fundamental approach is that we need to be taking in order to look after our health and our healing.

What Is The Flu?

Influenza is an infection associated with a virus which mainly affects the respiratory system. The symptoms he may feel will vary between different people but some of the more common symptoms include; chills, rigors (shivering), they muscle aches and pains, increased temperature and fever, cough.

The flu is considered to be self-limiting which means that it will run its own course and within a relatively short period of time, ceased to be a problem. But the problem is that the symptoms can be so severe that they become life-threatening to some people, or they can cause someone who is seemingly healthy to be bed-ridden for a week or more, causing days and days off work. Bird Flu is considered extremely serious because the symptoms it produces are life threatening and it is very virulent, which means it has the potential to more easily affect greater numbers of people.

My Most Important Advice To You

1. Consider your current state of physical health and
2. your emotional health and balance.

Our physical health is an important factor in determining how susceptible you are to a viral infection weather it be bird Flu or general influenzae. Have you ever wondered why certain people will catch a cold or get the flu while others are spared, even though they have been in contact with infected people?

Your emotional health and balance is every bit as important as our physical health and is a potent factor in determining whether or not we become ill. Although a bit of a cliché now, it is well-known that ‘emotional stress’ will lower the immune system’s ability to fight infections and therefore, in terms of prevention, reducing stress becomes a serious component of preventing infectious diseases.

“Remember Stress Can Decrease Your Immune Reaction,

making You More Susceptible To Infection”

Never Underestimate The Medicine Of Rest!

The most important thing I would say is that if you are experiencing less than optimal health or indeed have an influenza infection, we must simply listen to our body and for most people their body is saying, “REST”. How simple is that? You can take this supplement or that herbal tonic (which can really help) but at the end of the day if you are unwell and your immune system is fighting off an infection and in this case the potentially serious infection rest is essential and you are the one thing that many office don’t do well! Over the years I have seen countless clients who quickly recovered from influenza OR get quick relief from symptoms only to be back at work burning the candle at both ends. I recall one lady some years ago who was healing well from the flu, pushed herself a bit too far and ended up in hospital and pneumonia.

Look In Your Cupboard The Cure Might Be There

Because the influenza often affects the respiratory system I find one of the most effective home remedies is garlicgood old garlic. Garlic contains essential oils and has an antiseptic and an anti-viral effect. The essential oil is effective because it is exhale via the lungs and so is used for respiratory infections. It is also an important her for the prevention of infections. Please include fresh garlic regularly in your diet as much as possible. One of my favourite ways of having garlic is some wholemeal toast with tahini, chopped tomato, finely chopped coriander or parsley and crushed garlic! Now this may not be everyone’s favourite snack but it is a delicious way to take advantage of the powerful healing properties that garlic cloves have to offer.

When we talking about prophylaxis one very important approach is to ensure that we very carefully treat any symptoms that we may develop, or any other pre-existing conditions that we have. So if you have a sore throat for example, sure use a thyme gargle, but remember this is going to be symptomatic in its action and the underlying causes must be addressed in one way or another. So you have a gargle but look at other ways of supporting your immune system. And in a broader sense nourishing and nurturing yourself. This might simply mean taking the time to eat home-cooked meals rather than takeaway food. It may mean getting to bed at a reasonable hour etc etc. In the clinic we would treat the source throat with medicine that will have a symptomatic effect as well as address the underlying immunological issues.

Sometimes it is helpful to look at contracting influenza as your body telling you that something is out of balance and needs to be attended to. In this sense being ill needs to be considered as something which is not only necessary but conducive to leading towards better health and healing and getting your body back in balance. So when you begin to feel symptoms of the flu remember that this is a tap the shoulder from nature reminding you that something needs to change to bring your body back into harmony.

Protect Your Health With These Savy Tips

Some of the more important nutrients required for healing are vitamins A, B complex, niacin (the B3) pantothenic acid (B5), C, potassium and proteins. I am not necessarily recommending supplements of these but I am recommending that your diet consists of fresh unprocessed foods including the following:

A – carrots bringing leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli,
B – whole grains (Barley in home-made soup is a great example)
C – don’t just think of oranges as a source of vitamin C, in fact oranges are sometimes best avoided when there is a lot of mucus in the system. Obtain rich sources of vitamin C from other citrus fruits, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Niacin – lean meats paltry fish brewers yeast wheat germ
Pantothenic acid – brewers yeast egg yolks whole-grain cereals. Pantothenic acid is made in the digestive system as well.
Proteins – derived from meat and egg legumes.

So the best way to help reduce your risk of the Bird Flu as well as general influenza, is to maximise your health in a broad general sense both physically and emotionally, as well as carefully treating any pre-existing conditions you may have. Don’t wait until you are sick before you take measure to protect yourself. And remember, both the treatment and prevention of the flu does not mean simply taking a few self-prescribed, over-the-counter supplements.

Comment 1

  1. AndrewC3ADMIN

    This is a very topical post actually. Even though we are no longer affected by the Bird Flu,
    the principles remain the same for the covid 19 situation. Andrew

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