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Best Flu Remedy

Best Flu Remedy

best flu remedy

What Is The Best Flu Remedy?

When we are approaching ‘flu season’ it is good health practice to have the beat flu remedy in place both for prophylaxis and treatment. It is helpful to remind ourselves that the common old flu is rather a serious matter. In fact, approximately 222000 were infected by the influenza in 2017 and sadly there were many deaths as a result of it.

In this short article I want to highlight the issues that are really important from a Naturopathic / Homoeopathic point of view and share with you some remedies that may help with colds, flu’s, coughs and colds. Now it is a bit silly to say something is the best remedy as there are many ways to deal with the flu depending on the circumstances and the person being treated.

There are however some basic, absolutely essential fundamentals that can have a massive effect of how well any remedy can work. This is what I want to share with you today.


Vulnerability – A Key Factor

Some individuals are more susceptible to infections than others and the reasons for that are many. Have you ever wondered why certain people will catch a cold while others are spared, even though they have been in contact with infected people? One important factor in determining susceptibility or weaker immune systems, is your current state of health. In other words, “how healthy are you right now?” This will contribute to your vulnerability to infection.


Building Your Health Status

There are so many ways you can do this of course. When the flu season is approaching, you need to be as healthy as you possibly can be.  I don’t mean to be simplistic, but this attitude and approach can make all the difference. If you do happen to fall sick it is possible you will be less effected by the symptoms and the flu wont last as long – because of your robust health! Makes sense doesn’t it.

The very best piece of advice I can offer you is to

act now and build up your levels of health.

So it’s the usual things that contribute to your health. For example: exercising regularly, having a highly nutrient-dense diet, making wise choices about the type of treatments you have and how you take care of your mental and emotional health. Another great example is to make sure you are sleeping well and getting enough good quality sleep. You might like to check out my article Insomnia – Natural Cures. Fatigue and lack of sleep are going to lower you immune system and ]may make you more vulnerable to the flu.



Emotional Balance. The Best Flu Remedy ?

Perhaps! Emotional health is every bit as important as our physical health. Although a bit of a cliché, it is well-known that ‘emotional stress’ will lower the immune system’s ability to fight infections and therefore, reducing stress becomes a really important component of preventing and treating the flu. We need to find ways to deal with negative emotions (including stress) and  begin to restore emotional health and balance, as much as possible.


So there is obviously not just one best way to deal with the flu. Having said that there are definitely some more general approaches that can potentially improve flu symptoms and help you to recover more quickly as well as help reduce the likelihood of contracting the flu in the first place.

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