Hi Everyone http://youtu.be/cAKNfifI97w
Not being your ‘ideal weight’ is a significant stress on your body, something that can lead to disease. It is also stressful on an emotional level, not allowing you to fully enjoy life to the full. But it is not easy for everyone to be at their ideal weight. Do you know the 2 most common mistakes made when it comes to weight control that can jeopardize how effectively you manage your weight as well as having implications for your general health levels? And are you approaching weight management in a way that will help ensure you maintain a healthy & ideal weight which at the same times helps protect you from many diseases that are at practically epidemic proportions?
Even if your weight is at a healthy level and doesn’t really fluctuate, you still need to be mindful of a lifestyle that encourages what I can an ideal ‘weight equilibrium’ because it is really common & easy for our weight to either increase or decrease which then leads to numerous health problems.

In this Blog, I’m not going to give you a weight loss diet – rather I want to talk to you about a Naturopathic & Homoeopathic perspective on maintaining ‘weight equilibrium’ so that you can make sure that your focus is directed on thinngs that will help to bring you the very best results and promote your health and wellb
eing at a deep level.
So what are the two most common mistakes people make when dealing with weight control? They focus on 1. Diet and 2. Exercise. That’s right!
This is a mistake that can lead to disappointment and less-than-optimal results. Now of course diet and exercise play a really important role in weight control, however, it must not be the primary focus of what you do. I have a client who is very concerned about his weight and therefore is very actively involved in his sport and is very physically active & his diet is generally pretty good. He believes that this is enough to control his weight (and to keep him healthy). However, my client has sugar binges and has a family history of heart disease. He also has extreme anxiety and mood swings. But he really believes that he is doing enough for his health with his exercise, ‘watching what he eats’ as well as over-the-counter supplements that are self-prescribed. And according to the general perception in society, he’s right. However, he is neglecting to take a holistic approach to his weight control and so I will continue encourage him to address more than exercise & diet. For Ultimate health, he needs to address his anxiety, mood swings, blood glucose chemistry, family medical history. He will also greatly benefit from carefully selected medicines and supplements to promote and optimise his health and help prevent disease. So I repeat: Diet and exercise should not be the primary focus of your weight control – this is a mistake. You need to take a holistic approach for the best results.