“My promise to you is to do my very best to help you to be as healthy as you possibly, possibly can be with my no-fuss and down to earth approach.”
Initial Consultation $159
Your First Step to Holistic Healing
Our aim is to help you to be as healthy as you possibly can be and so we begin a comprehensive Initial Consultation. This appointment lays the foundation for holistic treatment by understanding your health concerns and goals and then prescribing natural medicines to begin the healing process.
What to Expect:
1. Preparation: Complete a detailed health form before your appointment.
2. Personalised Care: Through in-depth case-taking, Andrew uses a traditional holistic approach to prescribe you medicines and work out a path forward so you can enjoy better health, healing and or wellbeing.
3. Natural Medicine: Receive carefully selected homoeopathic remedies, herbal medicines, or supplements to begin healing.
4. Mind – Body: Many treatment approaches miss what can be a fundamental step towards getting the best possible results. If you want to enjoy your highest levels of health & wellbeing, then you have to have the mind set to match. If relevant, this may be addressed at the initial consultation.
5. Ongoing Support: Andrew emphasises follow-ups for achieving your health goals.
With 30 years of experience, Andrew combines naturopathy and homoeopathy to address not just symptoms but the underlying causes from a traditional holistic approach.

Follow Up Consultations
Follow-ups ensure your treatment stays aligned with your health goals and there are a few ways we do this: from 15-minute phone calls ($40) to more comprehensive one-hour appointments ($159). Many of our clients like to choose to join one of our treatment programs for ongoing treatment ($449–$999). Follow-ups help refine treatments, tweak medicines, adjust dosage, track progress, and provide ongoing support so that you are more likely to reach your health goals and enjoy higher levels of health and or wellbeing.
Follow up Consultations
$40 – 10 min
$80 – 30 min
$159 – 60 min
Treatment Programs
$440 -$999

1: Acute Treatments
When you have an acute illness, book in for a one hour consultation. Your case will be taken focusing on your acute symptoms. Any underlying causes from Naturopathic or Homoeopathic perspective are quickly identified and addressed in your treatment. Follow ups will be discussed at your appointment as we may need a treatment review, phone calls, adjustment of medicines and dosages etc. depending on how unwell you are. We will do everything possible to get you feeling better ASAP and also, just as importantly, not to fall sick again. Suitable to treat: eg: colds, flu, cough, digestive flare up, aches & pains, hay fever, short term skin problem etc.
Acute Treatments

Cost Of Medicines?
$30 upwards. The cost of your medicines may depend on the following: how quickly you want to see improvements, your budget, the specific condition we are treating, natural medicines you already have at home, the emphasis you place on prevention and maintaining your best possible health and wellbeing. etc etc.
Ready to book your appointment?
Wonderful – just go ahead and contact the clinic and lets organise a time
Like More Information?
I’d love to hear from you – contact me if you’d like more information.
Bookings & Inquiries Contact Us Now or Please Call 0434 966 984
Why are medicines not included in treatment fees?
Your treatment is tailored to you – individualised to your specific needs. For example, five people can have treatment for IBS or depression and each of them be prescribed completely different medicines and treatment plans.
Reclaim Your Health Guarantee – tell me more!
Yes, I have a guarantee. See all the details at the bottom of the About page: https://andrewjamesnaturopath.com/about/
Not sure if our treatments are for you?
If you have any questions at all, I’m happy to chat with you or you can email me. It’s important that you make the right decision for you, a decision that ‘feels’ right to you.
Our treatments are not for everyone. They are suited to clients that are serious about taking care of their health and prepared to the time and energy required so they can get the best results possible.
Now quite ready to begin treatment?
That’s totally fine. In the meantime Download your complimentary “Intentional Healing Blueprint”. You’ll find that on the home page. This is a great way to start getting into that healthy- healing mindset. Also joint my face book pages: andrewjamesnaturopath and andrew.collishaw.7