“Have you tried everything but just not getting the results you want?”
Naturopath In Sydney!
Online & On Site Consultations
Holism – Key To Health & Healing
After 30 plus years’ practicing as a Homoeopath & Naturopath in Inner West Sydney, I understand that health, healing and wellbeing can only come from a holistic approach – in the true and traditional sense of the word. Naturopathic & Homoeopathic philosophy provide the perfect means to help achieve this. Yet, most of the clients I see have tried many types of approaches and treatments, including natural therapies, but they’re just not feeling as well as they would like to, or they feel they have ‘plateaued’ in their progress.
There are many reasons for this, but what can make all the difference for some, is addressing the mindset that goes along with enjoying the best health possible.
You are not going to be as healthy as you can be by taking an array of supplements from the health food shop, self-prescribing, nor from a quick over the counter consultation. Depending on what’s being treated, even 1 or 2 consultations will not be enough for you to get the results you’re looking for.
I believe for you to be as healthy as you can be with a strong sense of wellbeing, carefully prescribed medicines and being persistent & consistent with your treatments are key ways to help you. This, along side the right mindset, is a potent combination that may significantly influence your health in a positive way.
“I believe you simply cannot enjoy your best possible health, healing or wellbeing if you don’t have the mindset to match.”
Andrew Collishaw, Homoeopath & Naturopath, Sydney. 2023

Over the last 200 years or so, the term Naturopathy has lost its original 18th century European meaning. Naturopathy referred a holistic lifestyle and treatments were “close to Mother Nature”. These included fasting, eating a really wholesome, unrefined diet, sunbathing, and herbal medicine. Today, it has become an umbrella term and loosely covers a wide range of modalities such as nutritional, homoeopathic, herbal medicine, Body Work and Remedial Massage, even though these modalities are systems in their own right. Naturopathy has become medicalised these days, meaningnatural medicines are used based on their pharmacological action, to treat specific conditions and not treating holistically. The main motive for this, it could be argued, is that allows large companies to patent formulations and dominate the highly lucrative ‘alternative’ medicine market.
Andrew holds closely, the underlying principles of 18th century Naturopathy – promoting healing and wellbeing, in a holistic way, addressing underlying causes. He uses Homoeopathic & Herbal medicines, along nutritional therapies as well as appropriate life-style adjustments and mind-body approaches to help develop and maintain a health-promoting mindset.
– After helping 1000’s of clients over 30+ years, achieve better health, you benefit from my clinical experience.
– A Bachelor of Med Sci , Hons Division 1, (Sydney University), & Naturopathic Diploma, gives you the best of both worlds.
-Traditional healing and the latest scientific research helps give you the best possible results.
– Use Law of Attraction and mind-body approaches to help positively influence and reinforce your health, healing & wellbeing
-I can help you have the right kind of mindset that goes along with experiencing the best possible health & healing for you.
– Postgraduate training in Australia and internationally (eg: The Other Song, India) means you receive the highest standard of Homoeopathic & Naturopathic health care, using the most up to date treatment protocols.
– I also invite, if appropriate, your medical health care professional and specialists to work along side me to help make sure you receive the very best treatment possible.
Fundamental Nutrition – A Naturopathic Perspective
We can enjoy optimal health when a very high level of nutrition is sustained over a long period of time. Anything less will result in an increased susceptibility to illness and disease. Optimising your eating patterns can play an essential role in helping you to heal.
Food allergy and sensitivity identification has become an important part of Naturopathy and may play a role in your treatment. But this is only one small piece of the puzzle. There is little point in just avoiding problematic foods and food groups. The reason for the allergies or sensitivities needs to be addressed, otherwise will only ever be treating the symptoms. So we use homoeopathic, herbal or nutritional medicine, in a holistic way, to help restore health to your immune system & digestive system.
Just about everyone these days takes supplements! They are certainly used in this practice, but their use is based on a holistic approach, always looking for the answer to the ‘why’! Why is the microbiome out of balance? Why is there a deficiency of zinc? Does the body really need more magnesium? Answering these questions holistically will always lead you to best therapeutic approach (and that does not always include supplementation!)
As a Homoeopath & Naturopath in Australia Andrew’s approach to nutrition is holistic, practical and always focused on getting you the best results possible for you.
Sometimes it is helpful to have Pathological Testing, but is it usually secondary to understanding you and your health from a holistic perspective as it is based on a causality model of disease. (ie: disease A is cause by factor B).
If needed, some of the tests we use include:
• in depth testing for hormonal HM imbalances
• comprehensive digestive tool analysis
• microbiome assessment
• liver function and detoxification profiles
• common mold sensitivity
• allergy assessments
• metabolic profiling
A Foundation Of Health & Healing
While our knowledge of herbal medicine dates back to ancient cultures, its applications have been continually refined, particularly in the last two centuries resulting in a system of medicine that can help you to enjoy better health and promote healing. Herbal medicine is also used to treat a wide range of illnesses as well as providing you with protection against the development of diseases. Here at the Andrew James Healing Centre, herbal medicine plays an important role in the treatment of many conditions.
The Naturopathic use of herbal medicine is nothing like the over-the-counter sales of herbs. We take the time to correctly prescribe herbal medicines that are going to have the most effective action on your health and use both dried herbs and herbal tinctures making prescriptions that are specific for you and your needs. The approach is holistic, taking into account your overall health, not just the specific problem you are needing help with.

Sydney Naturopath – Supplement Warning!
Just about everyone is taking nutritional or herbal supplements, a probiotic of one sort or another, magnesium, fish oils – and the list goes on. This has become a multi-billion dollar industry which motivates heavy marketing and the quick over-the-counter sales of these supplements at health shops, chemists and supermarkets.
“This has become one of the reasons that many of the clients we see
are not getting the results they are looking for
or that their progress has plateaued out and they are not getting any better”
It is predicted in ‘Australia’s Complementary Medicines Industry Snapshot 2018’, that there will be a $2.0 billion growth over 5 Years in Australia alone in the complementary medicine industry! (1) The economic implications are massive drivers towards using and promoting supplements for profit over care of the individuals health and healing.

“At the Andrew James Healing Centre, we carefully prescribe Homoeopathic, Herbal & Nutritional medicines and use Law Of Attraction and ‘mind-body’ approaches that may help you reach better levels of health, healing and wellbeing, even if you think you have already tried everything!”