“Is It Time To Step Into The
New & Healthier You?”

As a homoeopath & naturopath for over 30 years I have seen natural medicines have a profound, positive affect on people’s health and their life. And sometimes medicines are enough.
However, there are times when healing physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually, there can be huge benefits from addressing the way we think and feel, the stories we tell ourselves, old patterns of behavior and thoughts.
Healing With LOA Coaching, is an ideal program when you need extra support and encouragement as you move toward deeper levels of health and experience a growing sense of wellbeing. Using intentional mindset approaches as well as law of attraction (LOA) techniques, I can encourage and support you as you find new levels of health, healing and wellbeing.
Often your old thinking patterns or past emotions can slow your progress. In some cases, they will sabotage your healing and your ability to enjoy the new, higher level of wellbeing you desire. Together, we can find ways to enhance your experience & sense of ‘peace, balance & wellbeing’. We need to be able to move towards a new, better, more aligned version of ourselves. We need to be able to allow the level of health we desire, to evolve and manifest. One way to do this is to make conscious and intentional decisions that will lead us to this deeper level of wellbeing.
This coaching is not counselling or psychology (which has its place for sure). I coach you back to fundamentals, back to the issues that are getting in the way of you moving through and forward. I also help you to focus on nourishing positive mindset patterns and celebrate and affirm with you all the progress you make.
Having me ‘on your side’ to support you in this way may significantly help you move forward more quickly and easily, towards where you want to be with your health, healing and wellbeing.

How It Works: I will give you the following
-my full and focused attention
-concise, intuitive feedback
-laser focused comments
-encouragement to keep on track and step into the ‘new, healthier version of yourself’
-identify old patterns and to replace them with something more aligned
-give you a different perspective on situations
-help you create and live into new stories that you choose to tell about yourself.
-use law of attraction principles to promote your wellbeing and healing, helping to ‘create your reality’
-use intention mind set techniques to help ‘reprogram’ and ‘reshape’ your thoughts & feelings

The Technology
You and I set up a Voxer group and use the chat & voice recording. You can send me voice message or text whenever you like, 24/7 and as often as you need to during the time period. My intention is to respond within 48 hrs but usually it is much, much quicker than that. If I am able to, I will respond straight away. In other words I under promise and over deliver!! (voxer is a little like what’s app. There’s a free version to download: www.voxer.com)
Not Everyone Suited
Healing With LOA Coaching is not for everyone so if it doesn’t sound right for you, that’s totally fine. For many people, simply using homoeopathic or naturopathic medicines is enough. If your intrigued but not sure, let me know and we can talk about it to see if this is going to help you. If this does make sense to you and sounds like it will help you, then let’s go! Let’s do it!
One month’s Support (28 days): $450 (AUS) paid in full.
One month is the minimum time I offer. Less than that is generally not enough time to make a lot of progress. We need time so that you can begin to step into the healthier version of yourself. However……..
Would You Like My Support For One Week?
If you haven’t had Healing With LOA Coaching with me, then I offer a 1 week introduction. It’s a great way to begin to experience LOA and mindset approaches with me and see if we are a match. This is a once only option available for clients. Special 1 week offer – $150 (AUS). Non-refundable, paid in full.
Healing With LOA Coaching may help you to
• move through blocks that are preventing you from experiencing your optimal health.
• help shape the future you
• deal with emotional issues that may rise to the surface during homoeopathic treatment.
• Focus on a particular health issue for a set period of time and use LOA and mind set principles to help shape the new version of yourself and
• Change old patterns of behavior that no longer serve you.
1: Smiling Man: Pexels from Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/users/pexels-2286921/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1836445
2: Smiling Woman: Martyn Dix from Pixabay portrait-2827173_640. https://pixabay.com/users/martyndix-6230113/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=2827173