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Homoeopathy – Medicine For the 21st Century

A Medicine For Our Times

A system of medicine that may be able to help you enjoy better health & healing


What Is Homoeopathy?

Classical homoeopathic medicine is a system of medicine that treats a wide range of conditions – physical diseases through to mental and emotional problems can be treated homoeopathically. As well as addressing the specific problem, a homoeopathic approach enables the practitioner to also address other factors that may be contributing to the disease in some way. In other words, a holistic approach is taken. For example, rather than just use a medicine to treat eczema, the medicine used will also take into account that the person also suffers from arthritis and bouts of depression.

Medicine Derived Form the Plant, Animal and Mineral Kingdoms

Small doses of medicine are prescribed and only one medicine is given at any time. The medicines are derived from the plant and animal kingdom and homoeopathic pharmacies prepare them via a process of dilution and succussion. Medicines are selected for the individual on the basis of the symptomatology presented. A good example is when you cut up an onion and experience watery and stinging eyes. If you have similar symptoms during a case of hay fever, then a homoeopathic preparation of Allium cepa (onion) may be prescribed and this medicine will begin to remove the hay fever symptoms, beginning the healing process. In such an acute condition, the medicine can begin to work in a very short time, abating the hay fever.

The Founder Of Homoeopathy

Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was a physician / apothecary who worked in Germany and later in France, Paris. There are many characteristics that make Hahnemann such a significant figure in the 18th century scientific revolution in Europe. He was an exceptionally clear-minded practitioner, investigator and scientist and these qualities led him to explore and investigate health and healing in an objective and non-judgmental way. The fundamental tenet of science today is to just observe and see phenomenon around you without preconceived ideas. This approach allowed Hahnemann to develop the ‘law of similars’ – the turning point for homoepahtic medicine. His life revolved around refining this natural phenomenon and teaching others of its medicinal usefulness.



Conditions Treated

During the Homoeopathic consultation a holistic approach is taken and this enable to homoeopath to treat a wide range of conditions. Physical, Emotional and Mental health issues may be treated with Homoeopathic medicine. These issues include common every-day complaint right through to very serious illnesses. Homoeopathy is used to treat ‘acute’ conditions where a fast result is needed, as well as chronic, ongoing problems. Homoeopathic medicine is also used prophylactically, encouraging the prevention of illness, helping you to keep as healthy as possible.

Depending on what is being treated, homoeopathic medicine can take effect almost immediately (eg: for a migraine) or it can take time to heal (eg: psoriasis).


Your Consultation

Homoeopathy is a holistic system of medicine and so during your consultation, you’ll be asked all sorts of questions not only about your condition but also other things as well. For example, you might be asked how the weather affects you or if you have had any striking dreams, or what foods you crave. All of these qualities help to determine what medicine is going to help you the most.

During your consultation it’s important to use your own words and thoughts about what it is that you are experiencing. For example, pain or discomfort can be experienced in many ways and it’s important to convey that to your practitioner. Sometimes the way you say things can be just as important as what you are actually saying!

However, there are many times that a homoeopathic consultation is more straightforward and this is often seen in ‘acute’ conditions such as a cold, cough or flu for example.It is not always necessary to go into a lot of detail.

When appropriate, referrals are made for further medical investigations. We also invite, if appropriate, your medical health care professional and specialists to work along side us to help make sure you receive the very best treatment possible.


Homoeopathy Is Scientific

Classical homoeopathic medicine is based on a scientific methodology fulfilling the criteria for something to be considered scientific by today’s standards. More and more research is being carried out on the efficacy of homoeopathic medicine and, although a lot more research is needed, there are certainly many studies that show homoeopathy to be an effective form of treatment

Due partly to the scientific validity of homoeopathy, in various parts of the world homoeopathic medicine has established itself as a viable and commonplace alternative to so-called ‘Western Medicine’. For example in India, Nepal, England, Germany, Switzerland and other parts or Europe, doctors use homoeopathic medicine to treat their patients.


Government & Mainstream Media

The major and most of the minor political parties here in Australia strongly resist homeopathy and in some cases have gone out the way to discredit it as a valid system of medicine. Health fund organisations have been banned from giving rebates to their customers for Homoeopathic treatment for example. Also the National Health and Medical Research Council made a ruling some years ago that homoepathy was not effective. After years of heavy pressure from homoeopathic advocates from around the globe, the first report published (which was subsequently replaced by a second) was released showing that it could not be said that homoeopathy was not effective. Semantics? Definitely not! The NHMRC are currently under review by the Australian ombudsman for claims of gross and deliberate scientific misrepresentation, but now it has been many years now and the ombudsman’s finding has not been released to the public.

I believe this is negativity towards homeopathy comes down to politics, money and the power of medical bodies and pharmaceutical companies. World wide, the homoeopathic fraternity wants to work with governments to find ways to provide it’s people with the best possible health care system and to be open to all forms of safe and effective treatments and preventative options.

I also strongly believe it is so important that, as individuals, we have the right to decide how we want to take care of our health and the treatments and approaches we use and the medications we choose or not choose to use.






Main Picture:  wal_172619 from Pixabay
Hands on head: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay