Natural Treatment For Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) poses a significant challenge for many individuals, which is why so many people are having natural treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. This includes using Naturopathic and Homoeopathic medicines. I’m this article I am going to show you some alternative treatments for rheumatoid arthritis.
Mind-Body techniques and Law Of Attraction approaches are also an integral part of treatment for many of my clients as we treat and manage this often debilitating condition. As naturopath & Homoeopath , my role is to use alternative treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. I understand the importance and value of holistic approaches, focusing not only on addressing the pathology but also on enhancing overall well-being.
Disturbingly Common
According the WHO, “The prevalence varies between 0.3% and 1% and is more common in women and in developed countries.” It is also worth noting that they report, “Within 10 years on onset, at least 50% of patients in developed countries are unable to hold down a full-time job.” This indicated just how severe the condition can be.
Definition: RA often targets the joints, leading to inflammation, tissue damage, and cartilage wear. The in smaller joints like the fingers and toes are commonly affected. RA can extend beyond the joints, affecting vital organs such as the lungs, blood vessels, skin, and eyes.
Key Points
- Shockingly common
- ‘Anti-rheumatic’ Diet
- Holism Essential
- Positive Thinking and the Law of Attraction
- Mind-Body Techniques for Arthritis Management
- Self-Healing Through Visualization and Affirmations
Rheumatoid Arthritis A Natural Treatment
Naturopathy emphasizes the synergy between natural remedies and dietary habits in managing RA symptoms effectively. While supplements and homeopathic medicines can play a supportive role, their efficacy hinges significantly on dietary choices.
One common naturopathic treatment I use with my clients involves an “anti-rheumatic” diet, which excludes gluten, dairy, and sugars. Although variations exist, this dietary approach is a starting point for some clients seeking relief from RA symptoms. AS with any significant dietary change, you need to consult your health care practitioner because there are some situations when this kind of diet could be harmful rather than helpful.
Alternative Treatments For Rheumatoid Arthritis
The decision to eliminate gluten, dairy, and sugars from one’s diet sparks various debates within the health community. Critics argue against these dietary exclusions, citing potential risks and nutritional deficiencies. However, naturopaths advocate for exploring alternative calcium sources beyond dairy products, highlighting the abundance of calcium-rich foods such as oatmeal, oranges, soy products, leafy greens, and nuts.
While debates surrounding dietary choices persist, it’s essential for individuals to prioritize their health and seek guidance from qualified professionals when embarking on dietary modifications.
Although not specifically gluten / dairy free, a paleo diet can provide a basis to begin with and then make modifications from there. Check my article: Here are a couple of links you might find helpful – going on a dairy-free and gluten-free diet. Coming off sugar is pretty self explanatory. The Gluten-Free Diet and Dairy-Free: What You Can And Can’t Eat
Now I must say that you need to check with your health care professional if you intend to avoid these foods and food products. It can be dangerous for some people to do so and not in your health-interest.
Note On Calcium
There are people who will argue against going off gluten because only a small percentage have an adverse reaction to it, others will say we need to have cow’s milk products in order to have enough calcium. When exploring alternative treatments for rheumatoid arthritis you need to be aware of possible nutritional considerations. This applies to calcium for example: Just be aware that there are plenty of excellent calcium sources other than cow’s milk products, which is not the mainstream belief in many societies.
High levels of calcium is found in the following: oatmeal, oranges, soy products (eg tofu), beans (legumes) leafy green vegetables, herbs like basil and thyme, nuts and seeds. Just have a bit of search on the net. You might like to start here though:
Some Rheumatoid Facts
Embracing a Holistic Approach
Beyond dietary changes, managing RA holistically involves addressing lifestyle factors, stress management, and incorporating physical appropriate activity for individuals. Alternative treatments for rheumatoid arthritis emphasise a personalised approaches, acknowledging that what works for one person may not necessarily work for another.
Incorporating mindfulness practices, gentle exercises like yoga or tai chi, and adequate rest are integral parts of a holistic approach to managing RA. Also, exploring complementary therapies such as acupuncture, massage, reiki etc. may offer supplementary relief and support.

Harnessing the Power of Positive Thinking and the Law of Attraction
When it’s appropriate with a client, I incorporate Law of Attraction (LOA) principles and other Mind-Body techniques. Most people accept a connection between our conscious and subconscious thoughts, emotions, and physical well-being. For individuals dealing with arthritis it may be appropriate to focus on mindset, looking deeper at your feelings and reactions towards the arthritis – and to your health and healing in general.
We can choose, to some degree or other, to focus on positive aspects of your health. For example, when you are able, take your attention to area’s of your body that are pain-free. Enjoy that. Embellish that. Be appreciative of that. When we do this, we are shifting some attention away from, in this example pain, inflammation, limitations, to joints without pain. Of course I am simplifying things here, but you get the idea. I mean we want to find alternative treatments for rheumatoid arthritis so let’s be open to new and different approaches.
Now let me be really obstetrical here: What a Mind-Body practitioner will say is that when we are focused on the pain-free joints, we are potentially going to be more open to healing in general.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Natural Treatment – Mind-Body
Does acting on an impulse and enjoying a relaxing meal at a restaurant sound like ‘treatment’ to you? Absolutely! Let me explain.
Mind-Body techniques offer a powerful way to help manage arthritis and contribute to enhancing overall quality of life. Practices such as mindfulness meditation, guided imagery, deep breathing exercises or tapping (EFT) are ways to reduce stress, help reduce the perception of pain and to promote relaxation.
You can train your mind, or perception, to become better at noticing signals from your body. When we tune in, more often than not, your body will tell you when something needs attention. It’s listening to your body and responding in a way that is nourishing, nurturing and contributes to building your health or strengthening your wellbeing. I call this listening to your ‘Inner Health Guide’!
For example, if you are experiencing a flare up of arthritic symptoms, then listen to what your Inner Health Guide is telling you. Maybe it’s telling you the obvious – get back onto your natural herbal tonic to help reduce any pain. Or maybe it’s something unrelated like, take the time this afternoon and get your fruit & vegs for the week from market that had just open up.
When you are seeking natural treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, remember that ‘treatment’ may seem completely unrelated to the condition. Be open to allowing one thing to lead onto another – all in view of helping you to be as healthy as possible. Going to the new local markets might mean that you happen to see a herbalist, who you end up having some treatment from.
You might end up having delicious dinner at a traditional Indian restaurant, spending a wonderful, delightful and relaxing hour or so – nourishing not only your body, but your spirit too!

Empowering Self-Healing Through Visualization and Affirmations
Visualization and affirmations are great tools for self-healing and transformation when dealing with arthritis.
By envisioning themselves free from pain and mobility limitations, individuals can activate the body’s natural healing mechanisms and ignite a sense of hope and optimism.
Affirmations are repeated positive statements helping to rewire the subconscious mind, replacing limiting beliefs with more uplifting ones. By affirming statements like, “I am allowing healing of my body, one step at a time”, may help you to be more open to all the possible ways of healing for you.
To put it another way, if you were to affirm the opposite, ie “I am not open to healing”, you can instantly feel how that is going to block progress. So you can choose what beliefs you want to support and encourage. Just remember though, you always want affirmations to feel either realistic or encouraging.
For someone who has discomfort while walking, affirming that they are moving towards being able to walk so freely and comfortably,