“How Deep Tissue Massage Releases Tight Muscles”
6 Good Reasons To Enjoy A Treatment
Muscle tightness and tension can be addressed using Deep Tissue Massage techniques and in today’s article I want to highlight the reasons it can work so well in helping to relieve muscular stiffness.
1 Circulation: Supplying muscles fibres with oxygen and nutrients as well as removing toxins such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid, is an essential physiological function that is going to help muscles to relax. Deep tissue massage, because it able to stimulate the deeper levels of muscle tissue, is very effective at dong just this. Also when a muscle fibre is tight, the blood flow automatically reduced and this contributes to the inability of the muscles to relax fully.
2 Scar Tissue: Scar tissue and adhesions will affect how muscles function and essentially how they stretch and contract. This ‘hardened’ tissue also affects the ligaments and tendons and can form around joints as well. Deep tissue approaches are able to literally move this hard tissue around, just a little, and this helps get the blood flowing and may contribute to the reduction of, or slowing down of, scare tissue formation.

3 Reprogram the Golgi: With correctly applied tissue massage techniques, muscles and tendons can be appropriately stretched in a way that ‘resets’ a mechanism called the Golgi apparatus. This allows the muscle’s normal state to be, automatically, a little more relaxed than it was before the procedure. This also allows joint movement associated with that muscle to improve or increase. https://bscb.org/learning-resources/softcell-e-learning/golgi-apparatus/

4 Body Tension: If you have ever had a good massage treatment, then you would have experienced the relaxation that can result. So if that level of overall relaxation is maximised, than almost by default, there will be some degree of muscle release and muscle relaxation.
5 Posture: When I treat my clients with Deep Tissue Massage techniques, I am often addressing some postural issue as an underlying factor. Also mobilising restricted joints is another important part of my treatments. When we address both of these issues, muscle tension will be positively affected. In fact, if muscle tension is due to a restricted vertebral joint, for example, when the joint or joints are ‘loosened’ the muscles both around the vertebrae and in other posturally related areas, will begin to relax and tension released.

6 Range of Motion: Deep tissue massage has the techniques to help increase the mobility of joints. When a joint is moving more, then muscles associated with that joint, will stretch more and this in turn can help to relax the muscle that was previously tight.
So there you have it! Six good reasons to take advantage of this very specific form of massage treatment. Call the clinic now or book yourself in online. We’d love to see you. https://andrewjamesnaturopath.com/book-a-consultation/